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    Opening the Door to the World of Work: The Year 11 Internship Programme


    19 Jul, 2018

    10 : 00

    • Students at Yew Chung International School of Beijing finish Year 11 with a two week internship, introducing them to the world of work before they embark on the International Baccalaureate in Year 12.

      “The Year 11 internship programme is a great way for our students to get a flavour for the workplace”, commented Ms Sharee Herbert, Secondary teacher at YCIS Beijing and one of the organisers of the programme. “It introduces them to the skills that are required in a professional environment, and allows them to explore their career ambitions in greater depth – before they make their university and subject choices.”

      Every year, students carry out their internships at a variety of companies and organisations around Beijing. This year the Hilton Hotel, Siemens, Doctors Beck & Stone, Raffles Medical, C+ Architects, The Taj Pavilion, the Bookworm and several others hosted our students. Students were given real roles, allowing them to experience the demands and responsibilities of working life.

      As part of their internship with the production company Mandarin Films, Year 11 students Isabella Schmid and Jasmine Austin produced a documentary film about the YCIS Beijing internship programme. They visited other students in their workplaces, taking candid shots and conducting a series of interviews. During their two week placement, Isabella and Jasmine planned, directed, shot and edited the film themselves – showing just how much they learned from their mentors at Mandarin Films.

      To find out more about our students’ internships and to see Bella and Jazzy’s impressive work, you can view their video below:

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