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    YCIS Bejing Winter Concert and Christmas Fair


    21 Dec, 2023

    14 : 37

    • The Winter Concert


      It is possible that our winter concerts drew in some snowflakes! While Beijing was covered in a thick blanket of snow, our students transformed our school auditorium into a winter wonderland, creating a captivating atmosphere of festive cheer. The concert highlighted the incredible musical talents of our students, featuring a diverse range of performances, class concerts, violin concerts and outstanding instrumental and vocal soloists.



      ECE Winter Concert













      Primary Winter Concert












      Secondary Winter Concert













      The Christmas Fair


      The YCIS Beijing Christmas Fair was a great addition to the Christmas Concert. This traditional, vibrant event brings the community together for fun, festive and charitable activities. The fair offered a variety of booths with handmade crafts, delicious treats, and holiday-themed activities with live-performing students who created a fantastic atmosphere.


      Beyond the entertainment and festivities, the YCIS Beijing Winter Concert and the Christmas Fair capture the essence of the holiday spirit, contribute to the sense of togetherness and create lasting memories for students, parents and staff. Many thanks to all parents, students and staff who made these events so enjoyable and successful.


      We wish everyone in our community a very merry Christmas!

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