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    UKMT Intermediate Challenge Results


    22 Mar, 2024

    13 : 41

    • Recently, our Secondary students performed outstandingly well in the UKMT (United Kingdom Mathematics Trust) Intermediate Mathematical Challenge.


      We are thrilled to announce that 76% of our participating 46 UKMT Intermediate mathematicians have earned a medal. It’s a testament to the hard work of our students.


      Apart from 14 gold certificates, our students achieved 11 silver and 10 bronze certificates. As we congratulate all participants for testing their mathematical knowledge, a big well done goes to Jonathan W in Year 9 who was awarded 'Best in School' within the Intermediate Mathematical Challenge. 


      Moreover,  congratulations are in order for Jonathan W, Leo Z, and Jaydon C, who have qualified for the Olympiad on the 21st of March! Kae L from Year 10, Yihang S from Year 11, Cynthia L from Year 8 and Lynn C from Year 7 have taken the crown of ‘Best in Year’!


      Congratulations, and a round of applause to all our participants for their dedication to analytical problem-solving! Good luck to Jonathan W, Leo Z, and Jaydon C for their upcoming Olympiad!

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