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    ‘Principal for a Day’ at YCIS Beijing


    15 Oct, 2023

    08 : 00

    • October 9th marked a special and inspiring day for YCIS Beijing Year 10 student Wu Ruien. On this day, she served as the 'Principal for a Day‘ and experienced insight into the full range of our Co-Principals' important and multifaceted work at YCIS Beijing.


      At the end of an interesting and exciting day, the School Leadership Team praised Wu Ruien’s commitment and inquisitiveness and awarded her the ‘Principal for a Day’ certificate.


      As the ‘Principal for a Day’, Wu Ruien had a unique and all-encompassing experience. Through this opportunity, Wu Ruien was able to embody the spirit of leadership, which supports our students in exercising responsibility, problem-solving skills and teamwork talents within the school community and beyond. At YCIS Beijing, we strive to instil in our students respect and understanding of cultural diversity and a commitment to embracing the challenges of their generation. We eagerly anticipate witnessing more displays of student leadership in the future.

    • Greeting student fellows at the gate with Co-Principals

    • Primary class learning walk...

    • ...with the Primary Leadership Team

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