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    CUGO Presentation Series: Creative Career Perspectives at SCAD


    13 Oct, 2023

    08 : 00

    • We strive to ensure that our students feel motivated and confident in their choice of university. One of the many strategies to prepare our students for university and life beyond is to introduce both students and parents to a breadth of universities. In September, our CUGO, Mr Abdul Oladipo invited representatives from Savannah College of Art & Design(SCAD), the largest art school in the United States and one of the largest art universities in the world, to share a professional perspective on art and design application with our families.  


      Parents and students passionate about Art and Design and seeking creative career perspectives were excited to follow our recent invitation to the information session about SCAD. Many famous brand designers and artists from Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks, 20th Century Fox, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and other top animation companies in the world come from the school, such as Kate Aronowitz, the chief designer of Facebook, Matt Glennon, the creator of The Simpsons, and famous alumni such as Grammy Award-winning artist India Arie and Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Matt Davies. Career-wise, commercialisation and students' job prospects are important aspects of SCAD, which maintains long-term relationships with many globally renowned organisations. Students benefit from having access to many large-scale collaborative practice programs while still in school.


      Following the presentation, some IB Art students seized the opportunity to speak with SCAD representative Ms Lisa Liu. The students sought reflective feedback on their art portfolios and were delighted to receive insightful advice and guidance.




                  “My main takeaway from the SCAD visit is to always be confident about yourself and your work. I asked the admissions officer about my portfolio and SCAD requirements, and she provided me with some really useful information. And since it is a rare opportunity for me to meet directly with SCAD's staff (thankful to Mr Oladipo), confidence becomes the key thing so that you don't lose the chance to share your work and get direct, first-hand information. SCAD is one of the top art universities that is famous for its animation courses, and it happens that SCAD was actually on my list from the very beginning.”


                   -IB Art Student Angela Wang (shortlisted for ‘Best Student Film 2022 by Around Films International Film Festival ARFF’)

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