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    Firepower Classes: Sign-up to Swim!


    24 Aug, 2018

    10 : 00

    • Yew Chung International School of Beijing has partnered with Firepower International Swimming Club to provide daily swimming classes for our students at the 1872 Residential Compound swimming pool across the road.

      We are pleased to be able to extend our P.E. offering with such a comprehensive swimming programme and are looking forward to seeing our community of swimmers grow into a highly competitive team.

      The head coach of Firepower is Han Jia, originally a top-tier competitive swimmer and winner of the Beijing Municipal Swim Championships. She is a qualified national level coach and a national level referee. She has twelve years’ youth coaching experience including being the head coach and founder of China’s first nationwide Early Years swimming programme. She leads a team of qualified coaches including specialists in teaching beginners and those with experience coaching at national level.

      There are two separate swimming offerings this year – the Firepower Swimming Programme (daily classes) and the YCIS Beijing Swim Community (every Friday). Please review what’s on offer below.

      Firepower Swimming Programme

      Training is split into three levels: beginner (called Baby Sharks), intermediate and advanced. Within each of these levels are three sub-levels which the expert coaches assess on an individual basis.

      Daily Training

      Baby Sharks and intermediate classes are held every weekday at 16:30 and 17:30 and Saturday and Sunday at 10:00 and 11:00.

      Advanced classes take place every weekday at 17:00 except Monday, and every Saturday and Sunday at 10:00.

      After School Classes at 3.30pm

      In addition, Firepower are offering after school training sessions at 15:30 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday (Wednesday and Thursday only for advanced).

      A Firepower coach will walk the students to the swimming pool after school. Parents should collect their children after training at the 1872 Residential Compound reception.


      For further information and to register for a trial session, please contact the Firepower Head Coach Han Jia by WeChat (or phone) on: 18610529369.

      YCIS Beijing Swim Community

      On Fridays at 15:30, Swim Community lessons take place. These are organised through Mr Matt McEwan, Athletics Director at YCIS Beijing, and are part of the school swimming team training.

      If you would like your child to attend the weekly Friday training please email Mr McEwan for more information ( or click here to sign up.

      Swim Community is open to all levels, and students will have the opportunity to represent YCIS Beijing in competitions… Gooooo Scorpions!

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