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    Making the Most of the End of Term: Spirit and Enrichment Weeks


    29 Jun, 2018

    10 : 00

    • The penultimate week of term at Yew Chung International School of Beijing’s Primary school is known as Spirit Week. Spirit Week takes on a different theme each year, and is about generating a sense of pride in our school and fostering our unique school spirit.

      Each year Spirit Week assumes a different theme. This year, its purpose was to help students recognise and celebrate our community. Students learned about what it means to be part of a community, and where communities of different shapes and sizes can be found – be it amongst friends, amongst peers, within the school at large or in the wider local community.

      Students explored the theme of community in a variety of ways. They began by creating pieces of art or creative writing inspired by the idea of community. These works were then presented and performed at the neighbouring Honglingjin Park, giving students a chance to share their work with our local community, too.

      Spirit Week culminates with Spirit Day – a day of games and activities where students compete against each other in houses. While a customary part of Spirit Week, the games tied in neatly with this year’s theme of community. Games bring about a great sense of belonging, unite year-levels and transcend cultural differences. The World Cup, happening at the same time, is a potent reminder of sport’s remarkable ability to generate a sense of community.

      In the afternoon, our Primary students attended a school fair and carnival organised by our Y6-8 students as part of their G100 project. The school fair provided much entertainment for our Primary students, and was a brilliant opportunity for Primary and Secondary to be brought together.

      “Spirit Week was a great success,” commented Mr James Sweeney, Year 3 Learning Community Team Leader. “Not only did our students learn about what makes a community, but they were able to appreciate the warmth and happiness of being at the heart of one.”

      While Primary students enjoyed Spirit Week, Secondary students have been involved in the activities of Enrichment Week. Activities included a science fair, sports and orienteering.

      A significant element of Enrichment Week this year were daily wellness workshops that covered a range of wellbeing themes. The workshops encouraged students to reflect on their year, and covered important lessons around goal setting, organisation, digital citizenship, handling emotions and settling conflicts.

      Students also benefited from two school trips: to the China Ethnic Park to learn more about China’s diverse ethnic communities; and the Ole Climbing Centre near 798 for a day of rock climbing and team-building.

      The school fair and carnival at the end of the week was a fitting way to celebrate Enrichment Week with other students around school, and also rounded off a year’s worth of Year 6-8 G100 projects.

      Mrs Alana Martin, Y6-8 Learning Community Leader said “Enrichment Week is an important part of the school calendar. Students always enjoy the opportunity to learn in different ways outside the classroom, and it brings about a great sense of happiness and community that students can look forward to returning to after the summer holidays.”