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    Proudly Awarding Our Primary and Secondary Students


    07 Jul, 2024

    08 : 00

    • The annual YCIS Beijing Primary and Secondary Awards marked the successful culmination of another remarkable academic year. We extend our heartfelt congratulations and honour the successes of our outstanding award recipients. These awards highlight the exceptional achievements of our students, recognizing excellence in academics and remarkable growth in character development.




                “We take great joy in recognizing the many accomplishments of our students. Congratulations on your accomplishments; stay humble, learn to celebrate the successes of others, find humor in your mistakes, and view challenges as valuable learning experiences. Congratulations on your achievements, and always remember that each of you are uniquely special.” -Ms Swift, Western Co-Principal










                “As we applaud and celebrate our students, we are reminded that true achievements are not merely the accumulation of awards, but the result of countless hours of hard work, resilience in the face of challenges, and a deep ambition to make a difference. We honor your accomplishments and, even more so, the qualities you possess, qualities that foster personal growth, breakthroughs, and positive learning experiences along your journey.”-Ms Sun, Chinese Co-Principal








      Primary Awards Ceremony


      Citizenship Award

      This award recognizes students who have demonstrated a positive attitude, a willingness to help others, and embody the learner portraits.








      Sportsmanship Award

      This award is given to students who show a willingness to participate, perseverance in attaining skills, and graciousness and humility.









      Most Improved Award

      This award celebrates students who have worked with dedication and improved in many different ways. Recipients showed a strong commitment in their pursuit of learning.









      Excellence Award

      This award is for students who have excelled in attitude, behaviour, participation, academics, homework, uniform, and attendance. Recipients of this award consistently demonstrated excellence across all these areas.









      Secondary Award Ceremony


      Subject Award

      Our dedicated Upper and Lower Secondary students were honoured in a ceremony recognizing their achievements in specific academic areas with subject awards. These awards highlight each student’s strengths and passion in particular subjects, acknowledging their hard work and dedication. We take great pride in celebrating our students’ unwavering commitment in their pursuit of academic excellence. The event was graced with remarkable piano and violin solo performances, adding elegance and showcasing our students’ exceptional musical talents.


      Scholarship Award

      Additionally, deserving recipients from YCIS Beijing were presented with scholarships during the ceremony as a testament to their perseverance, dedication to service, and relentless pursuit of academic excellence. The YCIS Beijing Scholarship is awarded to students who achieved high academic performance and maintained a record of success. We take immense pride in our students’ remarkable achievements and extend our congratulations to these deserving scholars.


      We proudly commend and celebrate all of our students’ achievements, and we are honoured to recognize each student’s individual accomplishments. As we conclude another successful academic year at YCIS Beijing, we reflect on our shared experiences with a sense of pride. Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate the new heights our students will reach in the future. Have a well deserved break and enjoy a wonderful summer!