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    Preparing for the New School Year


    04 Sep, 2023

    08 : 37

    • Welcoming New Staff Members-Orientation Days


      We are thrilled to have new staff members on board as the school year commences. We look forward to their fresh perspectives and innovative ideas as we work together towards our shared goal of providing the best education possible for our students. Before the academic year started, we held Orientation Days to warmly welcome our new educators.


      This informative three-day event aimed to introduce both Western and Chinese teachers to the campus, school buildings, and learning spaces. It included a physical tour of the school as well as a comprehensive introduction to school procedures and practices, which were hosted by various non-academic departments.


      The School Leadership Team (SLT), comprising of the Western Co-Principal Ms Shelley Swift, Chinese Co-Principal Ms Jessica Sun, and School Business Manager Ms Fanny Du, cordially greeted the new staff. They emphasised our school's ethos and values, the underlying YCYW mission, and its principles.


      A definite highlight for our new staff was experiencing Beijing's local culture during a unique trip to the Hutongs. We extended the invitation of the Hutong tour to their families as well, as we encourage and foster strong relationships throughout our whole community.


      We are excited to have our new teachers join our team and work together with our established teaching body to offer students exceptional opportunities to learn and thrive.


      We want to express our appreciation to all participants and hosts who contributed to the success of the New Staff Orientation Days!


      A New School Year Calls for a New Look


      In order for YCIS Beijing to remain committed to our mission and principles, a number of renovations and upgrades were undertaken over the summer.  


      To ensure our commitment to Science and Technology, all science equipment and laboratories were renovated and upgraded including the purchase of robotics teaching materials to stimulate our learners within STEM.


      Equally, Arts & Culture are valued aspects of our student learning experience.  To prepare for the many productions and performances we plan to enjoy this year, upgrades took place in the Auditorium to enhance lighting and sound equipment and the stage.  


      YCIS unique pedagogical approach emphasises experiential learning through play.  This was further enabled through more dynamic outdoor learning environments including an ECE sports area and a planting area to enable our young learners to learn through nature. 


      These upgrades are all part of our commitment to creating an engaging and inspiring environment for our students and a pleasant and motivational working atmosphere for our staff in alignment with our mission and principles. We are very excited for all our students and staff to enjoy these newly elevated indoor and outdoor spaces to play, learn and grow to their fullest potential.