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    Play Big, Dream Big | World Children’s Day Cup@YCIS Beijing


    09 Dec, 2022

    15 : 42

    • On November 20th, the world celebrated World Children’s Day (WCD), a ‘day of action for and by children’. Our Primary students joined this year’s WCD celebration by partaking in the UNICEF China World Children’s Day Cup, an organised ball game for our students in our community. The activity aimed for students to learn about the Convention on the Rights of a Child, homing in on number 31, which states that every child has the right to rest, relax, play and participate in cultural and creative activities.


      Throughout the past week, in all their PE lessons, the students joined friendly handball competitions in house teams. Scoring points clearly came second as the students engaged in the games, experiencing team spirit and togetherness, internalising the event’s message of dreaming big for child rights. In this fun-filled week, our students gained a new perspective and a deeper understanding of their rights as a child.