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    IB Art Students Showcase their Masterpieces


    15 Apr, 2016

    10 : 00

    • As the end of the semester starts to creep up and YCIS Beijing Secondary students begin their end of year examinations, two of our graduating IB Visual Art students took this brief moment of calm before the academic storm to give us a fabulous joint showcase of the art work they have been creating over the past two years via an exhibition at the YCIS Beijing Edu-Cafe.

      Each IB Visual Art student chose specific themes on which to focus their final portfolio. Tiffany Choi chose to make art which explores people’s relationships with food, nature, and their own hands, while Helen Wong focused on her family. Despite feeling nervous about curating their own art exhibition, Tiffany expressed, “I am very proud of myself. During the art exhibition, I had to install my own artworks in such a way that would allow them to flow as well as write about the exhibition and my pieces. This was my first time curating an exhibition, and after experiencing it myself I think that setting one up is not something everyone can do.”

      Both students are set to graduate in the coming months and are already beginning to look back on their time at YCIS Beijing as having a profound impact on their artistic lives. As Tiffany explained “Before I came to YCIS Beijing, I did not have any background in art and only used pencils and acrylics to draw. YCIS Beijing has allowed me to explore different mediums and also has given me in depth knowledge about art and different painting techniques.”

      We wish all our graduating Secondary Students the best of luck in their future academic careers. To see more photos of IB Art exhibition please visit our Flickr page. To learn about more news happening on and around the YCIS Beijing Campus, click here.

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