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    Secondary School’s Midsummer Night’s Success


    15 Jul, 2016

    10 : 00

    • Yew Chung International School of Beijing’s Character Education Programme aims to teach students from a young age the value of charity and to highlight the virtues of altruistic contributions to society. The moral principles that we strive to instill in our children can be seen through the various charity work our students engage in throughout all year levels, culminating in their Creativity, Action, and Service (CAS) projects. This year’s final CAS project had our Year 12 students hold a charity dinner and art auction, titled “A Midsummer Night’s Dinner,” which successfully raised over 4000 RMB for the YuHua orphanage for disabled children.

      Through the combined effort of various student-led clubs, committees, and individual students, this first annual charity gala was the talk of the school and highly regarded by those in attendance. The night showcased the culinary talents YCIS Beijing cooking club as they prepared and served a delectable full course dinner for each of the attendees. Art students supplied their masterpieces for the auction, donating all proceeds raised to charity. YCIS Beijing music students put on a variety of performances to keep everyone’s feet tapping. Special recognition goes out to the Year 12 organizing committee for putting in countless hours organizing every fine detail, from the location to the decorations. You all should be incredibly proud of what you have accomplished this year; we eagerly look forward to what you have in store for us next year!

      To learn about more this year’s YuHua charity projects initiated by YCIS Beijing students, you can read David Tso’s Student Blog detailing the Fun(d) Run which took place during this year’s Global Community Day, or check out this year’s Easter Fundraiser organised by our Primary School Council. As usual, don’t forget to get the latest Yew Chung International School of Beijing news and updates by following this link!

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