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    New Teacher Profile – Megan Banerjee


    07 Oct, 2016

    10 : 00

    • With the commencement of the Yew Chung International School of Beijing’s 2016-17 academic year, the school has welcomed a number of new teaching professionals to further enhance the learning experience of students. This week, Year 2 Co-Teacher and Year Level Leader Megan Banerjee shares the inspiration behind her teaching and why she chose YCIS Beijing as her next destination to further her teaching career.

      Please introduce yourself.

      My name is Megan Banerjee. I’m from the United States and with a degree in Elementary Education from the University of Indianapolis. I am licensed to teach in the US, Canada, and the UK, plus schools that follow the IB-PYP curriculum. I enjoy honing my skills and have acquired additional licensing to enhance my classroom instruction. I specialize in Reading, Mild Interventions (Special Education), and Technology. I am also currently working on my master’s degree.

      I worked as a 6th grade teacher (Year 7) in the US before moving to Suzhou, China where I worked as a Kindergarten teacher (Year 1).  Since then, I have taught Grades 1 & 2 (Years 2 & 3).  I stayed in Suzhou for 5 years before coming here to Beijing.  I am excited to begin my 6th year in international education in China.

      What are your impressions of Beijing?

      Beijing is a great city to live in.  There are so many things to do and see.  I love the rich history here and the kindness of the people. Getting my ebike and having central A/C in the apartment were both very exciting for me!

      What inspired you to be a teacher?

      I was most inspired when working with a struggling first grader in the US. His parents were working multiple jobs; he had little structure at home and found school to be very difficult. I was devastated to hear this five-year-old tell me: “I’m stupid.  I’ll never be good at anything.” I had always enjoyed working with kids (as I am a big kid myself), but it was hearing this that I really decided I wanted to make an impact on others through teaching.

      What do you like most about teaching as a career?

      There is never a dull moment. From the “light bulb” moment when a child fully understands something they hadn’t before to overcoming challenges – it’s the students that makes teaching such a rewarding profession.

      Tell us about your role at YCIS Beijing.

      I am the Year 2B Co-Teacher and Year Level Leader.  I work with an experienced team of educators who are just as passionate about teaching as they are about making friendships.

      Can you list at least two reasons why you chose YCIS Beijing as your teaching destination?

      I wanted growth as an educator.  YCIS Beijing does a great job of supporting teachers in providing professional development opportunities. They also have a good reputation in China for providing academic excellence.  My husband and I consider China our home, so Beijing was a logical choice for us.  We are excited at the chance to explore Beijing as a local and not as a tourist!

      What unique aspects of the curriculum or teaching model were especially appealing to you?

      There is a culture of collaboration here at the school.  My team works together to design and share lesson plans and resources.  We discuss how to handle issues together and how to assist struggling students as well as challenge those that are high-performing.  Teaching can be an isolating profession, but here at YCIS Beijing, I feel like I am part of a large family of educators.

      By the end of your time here, what kind of growth or lessons do you hope to have experienced?

      One of my primary reasons for joining YCIS Beijing is to gain experience with the British National Curriculum.  I have spent a lot of time in American and Canadian schools, so this will complete my trifecta of curriculum teaching experience.  It will allow me to draw on ideas and resources from all three educational systems to ensure my teaching is the best it can be for my students. I’m also trying to work on a posh British accent!

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