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    Food, Friends and Families: The YCIS Beijing Welcome BBQ


    15 Sep, 2017

    10 : 00

    • On September 8, Yew Chung International School of Beijing hosted our annual Welcome BBQ, inviting new and returning families, teachers and staff to our Honglingjin Park campus for an evening of delicious food, lively music, and dozens of games and activities for all ages. 

      The evening also offered parents a chance to meet with their children’s teachers – as ECE, Primary and Secondary info sessions took place in classrooms throughout the school.  The face to face meetings helped parents to better understand YCIS Beijing’s unique Learning Communities and educational ethos, as well as aided in building the ever-important relationship between home and school. With dozens of Beijing’s top restaurants and vendors on hand to serve more than 1000 attendees, it was a truly memorable night, capped off with live music and dancing well into the evening. 

      Please visit our Flickr gallery for the full selection of photos.

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