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    Year 6 Is Ready for the Next Race


    26 Jun, 2020

    10 : 00

    • On Wednesday, June 24, our Primary School celebrated one of the most important days in the lives of our Year 6 students, their graduation. Though this cohort will just move to a different building at Honglingjin campus, however, a new journey, new class groups and new expectations are waiting them.

      Their graduation was a special occasion which, like many others during the school closure, was conducted online. To make this event really special was the students, teachers and parents’ desire to gather and celebrate our students’ achievements, despite the physical distance. During the ceremony, Vice-Principal and Head of Primary School, James Sweeney, along with April Peng, Primary Chinese Vice-Principal, and the other members of the Year 6 Learning Community Team, went through some memorable events of our students’ journey throughout Primary. These moments, featured in the video here, were the start, for many of them, in the newly built Learning Community when they were in Year 3, and their progress.

      The audience was also treated with a video of Hok Sum Chan’ amazing performance of the music piece “Canon”, first prize winner of this year’s YC YW Young Musician Music Competition.

      Following the virtual delivery of all Certificates and Awards, the graduation ceremony concluded by looking back at more special moments in the school life of our Year 6 students included in the photo and video montage here.

      As their journey in our Primary School comes to an end, we want to take this opportunity to congratulate all of our students again and to remind them to continue to be the best they can be, as they have always shown us so far, no matter where they go from here.