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    Download the ECE Christmas Concert Photos!


    14 Dec, 2018

    10 : 00

    • Our ECE Christmas concerts this year were dazzling. Students from all ECE year groups took to the stage to perform in front of a packed auditorium of parents, families and staff.

      Our students sung beautifully next to a sparkling Christmas tree and showed off a term’s worth of musical and language learning. It was clear that much hard work had been put into the rehearsals. The children knew their words off by heart and performed enchanting dances and actions alongside.

      The delightful and festive performance was followed by a lunch in the ECE Learning Community for students, families and teachers. We were even surprised by a visit from Santa Claus who took time out of his busy schedule to sing to our children!

      Our warmest congratulations to all the performers from the concerts – especially to those who were on stage for the first time! We have lots of wonderful photos from the day.

      Please click hereto download the Flick’r photo album.

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