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    Goodbye to our Graduates!


    07 Jun, 2018

    10 : 00

    • On Friday 1st June parents, staff and students gathered in the Auditorium for the Year 13 Graduation Ceremony. It was a fantastic morning, celebrating the outstanding achievements of our Class of 2018, and hearing words of congratulations and encouragement from teachers, students and alumni.

      The ceremony began with a procession of our Graduates into the Auditorium and a warm welcome from our Year 12 students Kershasp Pastakia and Claudia Rader who presided over the ceremony. Vice Principal Mr Don Collins gave a welcome address in which he drew not on established writers and thinkers, but the wisdom of Disney characters! It was a quotation from Winnie the Pooh that drew his presentation to a close:

      “You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

      This year’s impressive range of university offers was introduced by our University Guidance Counsellor, Dr Susan Wiltshire, who was also proud to announce some highly prestigious merit scholarships. Recipients of these scholarships include Vani Gupta, who has accepted an $80K scholarship to read Behavioural Neuroscience at the University of British Colombia, and Li Yong Wong, who has been awarded a scholarship to study Graphic Design at The New School: Parsons School of Design.

      After the IBDP Diplomas were presented, individual achievement awards were given to students who have excelled in particular subjects and sports. The Madam Tsang Chor Hang award for contribution to school life and community was awarded to Vani Gupta, and Highest Academic Achievement Award was awarded jointly to Vani and Annie Siwu Ding. As recipients of this prestigious award, Vani and Annie gave a thought-provoking Valedictorians’ Speech which spoke of friendship, resilience and contemplated the excitement and challenges of the road ahead. Visiting alumnus Ching Lok Chiu, who graduated from YCIS Beijing last year and is now at college in the USA, urged our students to enjoy themselves at University and promised that being an undergraduate is less stressful that IBDP!

      Our Co-Principals each delivered messages towards the end of the ceremony. Mr Noel Thomas mused on the idea of leaving lasting impressions, and spoke of the footprints that our students will leave behind at YCIS Beijing. Ms Christine Xu exhorted students to follow their heart, staying true to themselves in times of adversity.

      The ceremony was highlighted by dance performances from Yi Man, Li Qi, Soohee, Hyeon woo and Uijin and a visit from our Primary violinists to perform the school hymn. A heart-felt final performance was given by the school’s favourite band CHROMA, who have provided the soundtrack to YCIS Beijing school events for many years.

      Our Graduates’ time at YCIS Beijing symbolically drew to a close as they processed through the “Arch of Honour” – a snaking arch from the Auditorium to Honglingjin Park formed by students and teachers from ECE to Secondary. The morning ended with drinks for the Graduates, their families and teachers, and an extended Graduation Luncheon at the Hilton Hotel.

      Ms Prachi Gupta, Y12-13 Learning Community Leader, commented:

      “The Class of 2018 have been a brilliant year group with diverse talents and bright personalities. The Graduation Ceremony was a fitting way to recognise their hard work and bid them a warm and heart-felt farewell. We wish them every success for the future – and hope to hear from them again!”

      Full List of Awards:

      Highest Achievement Award in English Language & Literature  Lydia Qu

      Highest Achievement Award in English Language Seohyun Cho

      Highest Achievement Award in Mathematics Higher Level Min Seok Chang

      Highest Achievement Award in Mathematics Standard Level Seohyun Cho

      Highest Achievement Award in Mathematical Studies Yi Man Lau

      Highest Achievement Award in Physics Joshua David Perrett

      Highest Achievement Award in Chemistry Vani Gupta 

      Highest Achievement Award in Environmental Systems and Societies Le Xin Ang

      Highest Achievement Award in Environmental Systems and Societies Le Xin Ang

      Highest Achievement Award in Biology Vani Gupta

      Highest Achievement Award in Sports, Exercise & Health Science Donghyeok Yang

      Highest Achievement Award in Economics Vani Gupta

      Highest Achievement Award in Business Management Hyungwon Lee

      Highest Achievement Award in Psychology Lydia Qu

      Highest Achievement Award in Global Politics Natalie Anise Rader

      Highest Achievement Award in Visual Arts Siwu Ding 

      Highest Achievement Award in Music Xiaomu Zhang

      Highest Achievement Award in Korean Literature Junyoung Jeon

      Highest Achievement Award in Chinese Literature Yi Zhao

      Highest Achievement Award in Chinese Language Le Xin Ang

      Highest Achievement Award in Theory of Knowledge Siwu Ding

      Highest Academic Achievement Award Vani Gupta

      Highest Academic Achievement Award Siwu Ding

      Madam Tsang Chor Hang Award Vani Gupta

      Sportswoman Award Siwu Ding

      Sportsman Award Junyoung Jeon

      Honour Roll Le Xin Ang

      Honour Roll Siwu Ding

      Honour Roll Vani Gupta

      Honour Roll Junyoung Jeon

      Honour Roll Joshua David Perrett

      Honour Roll Lydia Qu

      Honour Roll Natalie Anise Rader

      Honour Roll Soohee Shin

      Honour Roll Hyungwon Lee

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